About Studio451

In a small adobe home where the rugged San Juan Mountains of Colorado meet the open desert of Georgia O’Keefe’s New Mexico, I started bending and hammering my first pieces of wearable art over 15 years ago. I’m a St. Louis ex-pat, an artist, an archaeologist, a lover of mountain biking and the outdoors, and a person who thrives on creativity and movement. When I moved to Durango, I embraced the open lands of the West, while holding onto my urban sensibility. Studio451Jewelry is the physical representation of that spirited independence and an effortless, yet intentional style. I’m inspired by natural elements and by finding simplicity in complex design. I design for the person who owns their creativity and individuality. Strong, yet delicate. Feminine with a touch of masculine. My jewelry reflects the many facets and dimensions of what makes each of us unique.
-Erin Weaver
This was my Grandpa’s Hammer
While my Grandpa wasn’t a jewelry maker, he was an all around talented, handy type of guy who was always tinkering in his garage, making and fixing things, and had every tool he ever needed in his collection. I can see the decades of wear on this hammer and am happy and proud that it’s gone from his toolkit to mine. I use it nearly ever day that I work in my studio and am honored to say that it used to be his.
Get In Touch
Whether you are interested in a custom piece, have questions about anything jewelry related or just want to say hello, drop Studio451 a line and let's connect.